1 - In the words of Kendrick Lamar - 'sit down, be humble'. Humility is such an attractive quality that will benefit you in so many ways. I struggle with humility sometimes, because for me being humble can also feel like letting people walk all over you. I have realised though that karma rewards you in ways you couldn't possibly imagine, and leaves those who have wronged you with their just desserts. Verdict: totally worth it.
2 - Friends come and go, but true friends are forever. Cliche saying but oh so true. I have been through some hardship in my life, with the biggest being my transition into a young single mum, and everything that happened in my life before then. I lost one friend who I had known since I was 9 years old but I have gained 5 more, and have become even more close with those who have always been here. Quality over quantity - always.
3 - Always make time for friends. Throughout my pregnancy and Zaria's first year it was impossible for me to keep up with seeing everybody. I tried my best to keep in contact with most, and all my friends were understanding when I wasn't able to, or just too exhausted to be social. However from now on, I have made a pact to myself to always make time to check in regularly with those who are closest to me, and when they instigate a catch up, do my best to fit them in. Friends are like family, and for me, I have friends closer to me than my own family. It is also important to surround Zaria with as much love as I can, it is good for her soul, as it is mine.
4 - Be organised. So much more important when you become a mum. Babies need routine, and when you have so much going on in your life like I do, if you aren't organised you can literally waste entire days. Writing lists, keeping a diary and setting goals are a must to stay on track.
5 - Budget. When I was younger I had no concept of saving. If there was no clear goal e.g save for a car, I didn't save. I spent whatever I had in the bank and didn't see the point of 'saving for nothing'. Now I live by budgets and while some weeks I don't manage to save anything, all my bills are paid, and don't have any debts, and I can cater to my daughter's any need. So in some ways I am richer than most. It took me a while to realise that usually those who 'appear' the richest, are the ones who have the most debt.
6 - The beliefs of the ignorant and uneducated are irrelevant. When I was pregnant with Zaria, I had Luke and his family tell a huge web of lies in attempt to create an illusion where Luke was justified for not having involvement in Zaria's life. They managed to spread it around to their cohort of friends and family, however as soon as Luke fathered another child to another girl 12 months after Zaria, the cracks in their story telling started to show. But long before then I started to learn that the opinion of those who are dumb enough to believe such bullshit, do not, and never will, matter. If you can learn not to give a fuck about the ignorance of others then you set yourself free.
7 - Recognise the signs. Whether that be in a toxic relationship, or friendship, do not make excuses for that person's poor behaviour. Yes we can all get grumpy, snap, get mad ect but if this person is displaying a pattern of consistent behaviour, drop them like a hot potato. They will NEVER be worth your time or investment.
8 - Realise that family can screw you over. Family may be related to you by blood but in the long run that doesn't mean much. If you have family members, (that like friends), show you time and time again what they are 'really' like, then don't even bother. Be as civil as you can for the sake of harmony at family gatherings ect, but do not stress yourself silly trying to figure out ways to get along when you know deep down it will never happen.
9 - Always work forward. By this I mean goal setting. Be realistic in your goals but always set them so that you are constantly working towards something. For me when Zaria was born I had little goals I had to set for myself because I found motherhood so overwhelming. Some things most mums would consider easy e.g go to the supermarket, I found so hard because I was so nervous. I was scared venturing out alone with her. I felt that the car was too loud and big for her, that the roads were unsafe for her, that the air conditioned supermarket was too cold for her. I was literally petrified over everything when she was little. So I had to set goals to build my confidence. Now my goals are large scale, but nevertheless remain important - finish uni, save to buy my own house, meet new and harder challenges at work.
10 - The last lesson, and to me, the most important in helping me achieve my happiness is learn to forgive. Again cliche but mastering this has allowed to me to move on with any problem I have faced. I am an angry aggressive person by nature. Most do not know this about me as my mother is the softest most humble person you will ever meet. But I on the other hand, have inherited my rage from my father. Sometimes it is completely uncontrollable, it consumes me and clouds my mind. Albeit no one has been able to make me feel all consuming anger except for Luke and his family, so it has only been recently that I have realised the full wrath of the rage that lives inside me. However I have realised that this rage only surfaces when there are injustices at hand - this is why I must have such a passion for the law as well. When Luke and his family told so many ridiculous lies I was so angry and kept thinking 'how is any of this fair...why me...blah blah'. I also would get like this at work, when a colleague or one of my bosses behaved in a not so professional manner. However I have learnt to forgive the little, all the way to the big, indiscretions of those around me the instant they happen, and not only has it made me a more stress and anger free human being, but I have mastered empathy in ways I never would have if it wasn't for my newfound skill of forgiving others. If someone has done a really shitty thing, like super shitty, and I am having trouble just forgiving and moving on, I try to imagine that person was once a pure and innocent baby (like Zaria), and that something awful must have happened to them along the way for them to be the way that they are. I used to do this all the time with Luke. It helped immensely with forgiveness and coming to terms with what he had done. Find a strategy that works for you and roll with it, so long as you pull forgiveness into your main focus. The liberation and happiness that comes from forgiveness is worth it.
#lessons #lifelessons #forgiveness #happiness #empathy